PTFE slippage
It was reported that some people were experiencing troubles with PTFE tube which slipped out of the extruder. There was a modification done in order this issue to be fixed: a couple of 3 millimeter hole sideways were put through the clamp. The PTFE should be put in and clamped gently, then 3 mm drilles should be run down those holes. A couple of 3mm pins (or screws) placed in the holes then prevent the PTFE moving downwards under the force from the screw drive.
The original post is here
Melbourne impressions
by Vik Olliver:
Being allowed to present RepRap at LinuxConf 2008 was wonderful, and thanks to all for the encouragement I got that really belongs with the RepRap team. So many new ideas, and very little time spent on repairs all considering. One that stood out was the idea of using RepRap to print braille, and to make relief maps with textured surfaces to assist the blind. I contacted the OLPC project to see if they would cooperate on ensuring an OLPC can drive the RepRap. Currently our software won't fit, and the OLPC is essentially python-driven so a re-write or novel way of printing the CAD files might well be necessary as things stand. Finally, I've been porting Toby Borland's plywood RepRap files to Ponoko's upload format and I think I've got something that should print. Whether one can actually assemble what comes out remains to be seen. The parts cost for RP'd parts, gears & base is in the region of USD$350 and you can download the source. I say again, it's not quite perfected yet. My Darwin has been chugging along while I work, having a little difficulty with the Z axis after its return from Oz. Perhaps I was just lucky before, but now the Z axis rubs on parts of the base. Being me, I've bashed holes to allow clearance for the nuts. Here are three Y bearing housings, recently printed. One is marked with a break and is dud, the other two were printed after Adrian's recent accidental sqrt() bugfix. I now have 3 of them, and have manufactured bearings. Bearings look a little short on infill - OK, very short - but seem functional. I've just done another corner bracket (3 to go) and the next part is: Replacement Y axis flag.